Monday 22 August 2016

Inspirational Movie


Assalamualaikum and hi to madam. First of all i would like to share with you a little bit of a movie that inspire me a lot. 

This movie is about a sporty and young girl, Riley who has to face many changes in her life. Throughout her journey, I get to look inside of her thought process and meet her emotions, Joy, Disgust, Fear, Sadness, and Anger. I learned so much about myself, and I’m sure the rest of my family did it too.

so here are 3 lessons everyone can learn from Disney's Inside Out:

1) Sometimes we need to express our emotions. We cannot always hide them

We are reminded that sometimes we need to express our sadness to the people who care about us. So we can receive comfort and find happiness again. Most of Inside Out’s younger viewers might not immediately understand the lesson made, or why the older viewers are crying next to them. But I guarantee you; it will hit the older audience right in the heart.

2) Family will always be there for you

I am not going to spoil the film by telling you how it ends. However, in the end her families love for her healed her sadness. When all is said and done, it should be our families who are the first to assist us when we are weak and crumbling. Our family should be the individuals we get to truly share our emotions with, whether we are angry, joyous or sad.

3) We all go through change, and sometimes it isn't easy

We all go through change, and sometimes it isn’t easy. Throughout the film, we watched as Riley and her family go through a crossroads in their lives when they choose to move from Minnesota to San Francisco. Riley had to cope without her best friend from her old hometown, the sport she loves, hockey, and the cold Minnesota weather. Because Riley is removed from all of these things, her personality starts to diminish slowly before she goes to her parents for help. This lesson is definitely one of the most important do to the fact we live in a progressive America that’s currently facing plenty of changes.


Inside Out is probably the best-animated movie Disney has ever made in regards to lessons and morals for their viewers. We can all relate to Riley’s emotions so well and make them our own. The movie is sheer brilliance and fun, plus we get to meet Riley’s imaginary friend Bing Bong of course.

Okay thats all from me. Thankyou.

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